MyTicket ticket

MyTicket is a full-stack website that I developed as part of my university coursework. It serves as a comprehensive platform for ticket management, featuring a user-friendly interface and robust backend functionalities.

Technologies Used :

  • • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • • Backend: PHP
  • • Database: MySQL
  • • Local Server: XAMPP

Key Features :

  • • User Authentication: Secure sign-in and sign-up functionality
  • • Event Listings: Dynamic event listings fetched from the database
  • • Ticket Booking: Seamless ticket booking process with real-time updates
  • • Admin Panel: Admin interface for managing events and user information

This project highlights my ability to integrate various web technologies to create a functional and efficient web application, demonstrating my expertise in both frontend and backend development.



If you are interested in working with me or have any questions, please Get in touch.