Dashboard dashboard

Dashboard is a responsive web application that I developed to provide a seamless and intuitive interface for managing various aspects of event organization. It features a sleek design with a dark/light mode toggle and is built using modern web technologies.

Technologies Used :

  • Frontend :
    • HTML : Provides the basic structure of the dashboard, ensuring a well-organized and semantic layout.
    • CSS : Styles the dashboard with a focus on modern, clean design. Utilizes Flexbox and Grid for responsive layouts, and custom CSS for dark/light mode toggling.
    • JavaScript : Adds interactivity and dynamic features, such as form validations, dark/light mode toggle, and responsive navigation menu.
    • Bootstrap : Enhances the CSS with pre-built responsive classes and components, streamlining the development process and ensuring a consistent design across different devices.
  • Backend & Database :
    • PHP : Handles server-side logic, processes user requests, and interacts with the database to retrieve and store data.
    • MySQL : Stores client and organizer information, providing a robust and scalable solution for data management. The database schema includes tables for users, events, clients, and organizers, ensuring efficient data retrieval and storage.

Key Features :

  • • Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing experience across various devices
  • • Dark/Light Mode: Toggle between dark and light themes for better usability
  • • Dashboard: Central hub for accessing all major features
  • • Events Page: Lists all upcoming and past events with detailed information
  • • Clients Page: Provides comprehensive details about all clients
  • • Organizers Page: Contains information about all event organizers

This dashboard demonstrates my proficiency in creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications, showcasing my skills in frontend development and responsive design.



If you are interested in working with me or have any questions, please Get in touch.