Creative Web Developer

Design and code beautifully simple projects without overwhelming yourself with complexity. Enjoy your passion for creating with ease and love.

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About What I Do

I create user-friendly and beautiful websites crafted with care and creativity.

Front-End Development Image Front-End Development

Crafting visually appealing and responsive interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JS frameworks like React and TailwindCss.

Back-End Development Image Back-End Development

Building robust and scalable server-side applications with Node.js, Express, and databases like MySQL.

Full-Stack Integration Image Full-Stack Integration

Seamlessly integrating front-end and back-end technologies to deliver comprehensive web solutions.

AI Models Image Artificial Intelligence Models

A Python implementation of a neural network and DL model, demonstrating efficient and accurate predictions through ML techniques.

3D Image 3D Art

A beginner in Blender, I create and manipulate 3D models, animations, and renders using Blender's powerful open-source tools.

Troubleshoot & Debug

Projects Showcase

Take a look at some of my notable projects, showcasing my ability to design and develop effective web solutions.

Explore my projects

Developed full-featured e-commerce platform with secure payments.


Developed a detailed dashboard with key metrics and impactful visualizations.


Designed a 404 page with helpful links for easy navigation back to the main site.

Neural Network Model

Neural Networks : Revolutionizing Intelligent Systems.

3D Blender

Developed a range of advanced 3D projects using Blender.

Interested in Working Together?

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Explore My Work

View my portfolio to see the kind of work I can do for you.